
Coming Soon!

Entry forms are now open!
Get valuable exposure to a highly targeted rural audience at Canadian Bull Congress January 21 & 22, 2022!
Entries close December 14, 2021. Limited space is available.
Now Open!

General Information

Exhibits can be dismantled after 5:00 p.m. on January 22ndNo early dismantle permitted.

Take down, including all equipment, is to be completed by noon on January 23rd.

Gates on Exhibition Drive will be opened at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday for move-out.

Main Entrance on west end of parking lot is the only exhibitors’ gate to use for move-in and during the show. 

Available January 19, 2022

These packages will be available at the show office located in the lobby of the CRE Agricentre. Vehicle passes will be in your packages and MUST be visible at all times in order to gain access/park in the back of the CRE facility in designated areas.

Once an exhibitor has unloaded, all trailers and trucks are to be parked in the designated areas only.

No blocking of doorways or driveways – violators will be towed at the owner’s expense.

Two Exhibitor Passes are provided to each exhibitor. Exhibitors using the Exhibitors’ Gate during the event must present pass/vehicle passes to gate attendants. Additional passes will be issued at $5.00 each.

The Directors and Show Officials shall be, at their discretion, able to bar any exhibitor or any animals from participating in the 2022 Canadian Bull Congress program given just cause. All protests must be submitted in writing with a $100.00 fee attached and addressed to the Canadian Bull Congress Management.